Professional English Language Skills for Employability Across EU
PESE Focuses on providing unemployed learners with English language skills to boost their employability
Matching the English needs of employers with the skills of the workforce
The ability to effectively communicate at work is one of the 21st Century Skills demanded by employees. Feeling confident and competent in a foreign language plays a vital role in enhancing employability and mobility. The English language is so widely used in the EU and around the world in general that gaining some mastery of it provides the user with clear employment advantages.
This project aims to start research the labour market in partner countries and establish the type of English skills employers currently required from their employees.
Form ID
KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Online Training
To make high quality professional English training available for unemployed citizens across Europe.
To produce a sensible ready-to-go framework for a curriculum for professional English that can be impact on Language teachers and trainers.
A unique look into what modern employers actually require from their employees with respect to the use of English.

The project will develop the following Intellectual Outputs
Framework for a curriculum for professional English for employability.
E-course for professional English for employability.
Find out all the partners that are part of this project
Applicant Organisation
Eurospeak Language Schools Ltd

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.